No way they would understand

Monday, June 27, 2011
Military marriages and relationships are different from civilian relationships. They have unique challenges and joys. I try to just not complain to any of my civilian friends cause I feel like it is weird for them to try and understand. I bitch to you guys and to hubby.  So, I just don't talk about it to them when I am having a rough time. .I have come to a conclusion about comparing cilillian relationships to military ones heres my final thought..

I complained a lot over the last 11 years about the military but... civilian or military, they both have their issues. As a former active duty soldier & now Army Wife I will always believe in my heart that military relationships are harder than civilian because I've lived both and the hardest has been the Army.

I do infact think that military relationships are very different from civillian relationships. I have been in two long term relationships. One was with a civillian and now with  my soldier in the US Army.

I thought it was FOREVER when I was apart from my ex for a week. A WEEK! I could still call him whenever I wanted to but, I just couldn't see him for a week. I had no idea NO IDEA. A week is NOTHING. A week is not serious.

 A military relationship....I would go weeks even a month without even hearing from him, not knowing if he was alive or dead. I had no idea what he was doing. Now that's STRESS. And that is a horrible feeling.

 If you're in a civilian relationship you just are clueless to what it feels like loving and missing your soldier ...and you can't "understand" unless you've gone through it.

 Yes, everyone is entitled to miss their bf,gf. but seriously can you compare a week separation while each person is on vacation with family to a month of not hearing from your spouse while he's deployed.

Hell is NOT comparable. And that's my opinion

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2 feedback opinions:

  1. *Jen* said...:

    I am completely with you on this one Brandi! There really is no comparsion that can be made between a civilian relationship and a military relationship. Being in the military is hard enough let alone try and have a relationship. STRESS is the word. The one thing i do know is if you can make it through the hard times a military relationship puts on you then you can handle anything.....bottom line.


  1. Thanks Jen, I was hoping I wasnt alone with this and sound like a total bitch, but I had to speak the truth. if you are currently in a military relationship, may your days be blessed.

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